Thursday, 29 November 2012

The silly season is almost upon us and the next few weeks is going to be a tad bonkers!

This weekend sees the Coburg House Art Studio's having their second and final open studio event of 2012, of which I am participating in - you can read more about this event at the following link on the STV website in an interview I gave a few days ago.

Monday sees me teaching up in Ullapool for three days, with a variety of workshops at this independent college, before heading back to my regular teaching stint at Dundee College on Thursday.

There may be also be news of a fairly substantial order with a leading retail space ... more of that later as you never know if these things will come to fruition, but all the leg work has been done and now its a waiting game - so fingers crossed! More news of this if and if it comes off.

In the mean time it would be great to see as many of you and your friends as possible over the weekend at Coburg - please see previous postings on this blog about what I will be demonstrating and selling from my studio.

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