Thursday, 25 October 2012

Missing out

Lordy lordy lord! Blogger has changed it's format(s) and it has taken me an age to figure it all out, what with it's new templates and gadgets etc ... Just when I figured it all out I realise I have left all my connecting cables at home ( I am currently stopping off at my parents place in the North East of Scotland due to teaching commitments in Dundee) so can't up load additional pics of my developing weave structures I am working on for my next stint as Maker Of The Month at Concrete Wardrobe, which begins 01.11.12 ...

Also gutted to report that I am missing out on what would have been a great exhibition opening tonight at the Dovecot in Edinburgh for the Nuno exhibition opening, which I am sure I will see anyway, but the main reason for being so not chuffed was that the brilliant Reiko Sudo is in attendance. I know several folk  were able to say hello on my behalf, which is great, but I also know that Reiko so rarely travels these days and I am unsure when I will be swinging by her Roppongi Tokyo store in the near future to share a bowl or two of miso soup.

It is also happened the other way round when I missed out on attending an exhibition opening by Judy Scott at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee ... when I was in Edinburgh, working at Concrete Wardrobe.

Tis the trouble of splitting my time between Dundee and Edinburgh in a week - I physically can't do everything and be everywhere at once - finances and energy levels do unfortunately come into play. Shame.

I will however be taking a group of students along to see this show, thats the plan and failing that I will ship up and show up myself.

Till next time ... 


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